Maybe “boring” is not the best word. Maybe we are really talking about “more fun” vs. “less fun”.
Naturally, some things are more fun that others, but I am never bored in my startup. Frustrated sometimes, yes. This week I lost a whole day because I had overlooked something simple one day last week. Had to retool the whole stupid thing when I really wanted to build the next level up. So the exciting part had to wait a day. No big deal. It happens. But was I ever “bored”? Hardly.
A little background. I sat in class bored to tears for 17 years. Then, I did work in 86 other companies (none of them mine) before I started this one. I have a clear vision of what I want and a fairly clear idea of how things should work. I love both the technical details and the people part. Usually, I can’t wait to get to the next thing.
The only thing I really don’t like is when a client calls for me to fix something on their crappy system. Shifting gears sucks.
Boring? No, I just don’t see it.