You can find plenty of important life skills to be learned in school if you only look hard enough:
kindergarden - learn how to play nicely together
first grade - learn how to read and write
second grade - learn how to add, subtract, multiply, & divide
third grade - learn how to spell
fourth grade - learn how to play a musical instrument
fifth grade - learn how to appreciate great literature
sixth grade - learn how we got where we are
seventh grade - learn a foreign language
eighth grade - learn how to type and use a computer
ninth grade - learn how the world is put together
tenth grade - learn about other people in the world
eleventh grade - learn how to balance a job and school
twelveth grade - learn how to plan for and dream about the future
freshman year - learn how many other kinds of people are out there
sophomore year - learn how to chug a beer, fill a bong, and get laid
junior year - learn how to stand upon the shoulders of giants
senior year - learn how to find your place in the world
graduate school - learn how to play nicely together, all over again