What if I miss a day of Hacker News?

I got invited to an interview, what’ll I do? 

I got rejected, what’ll I do? 

PHP sucks. 

C# sucks. 

Microsoft sucks. 

Ruby rules! 

Best. Interface. Ever. 

Scientists in Sweden produce Britney Spears in a petri dish. 

pg is great. 

Where can I get the best corporate lawyer in the world for free? 

Anyone want to buy some legal drugs? 

Ask HN: When I sit too long in this chair, my back hurts. What should I do? HN: Switch chairs.

YC should start a franchise in Europe. 

YC should start a franchise in Latin America. 

YC should start a franchise in Asia. 

YC should start a franchise in Brooklyn. 

Ask HN: I don’t know how to code? How can I build a web app that makes a million dollars by Tuesday? 

Ask HN: I need motivation. Any hints? 

There. You just read all of today’s HN news. Now close your browser and get to work.